Laura A Heymann

Laura A Heymann

November 10, 2017 | The Recorder

The Satellite Has No Conscience: §230 in a World of 'Alternative Facts'

Section 230 of the CDA continues to be the right policy choice, but it is up to us to be critical readers, calling out untruths, highlighting and promoting that which is reliable and discrediting that which is not.

By Laura A. Heymann

9 minute read

January 19, 2004 | National Law Journal

Pssst! . . . What Clients Really Want

An in-house veteran's top 10 tips for associates on what clients really want (but probably won't tell you).

By Laura A. Heymann

7 minute read

January 22, 2004 |

Pssst! ... What Clients Really Want

So you're a third- or fourth-year associate, or maybe a bright second-year, and you've worked on a number of matters for a particular client -- and now the partner tells you that you'll be taking primary responsibility for solving one of the client's problems. It's your first rainmaking opportunity: Keeping a client's loyalty. How do you manage that? Former associate -- and former in-house counsel -- Laura A. Heymann has some advice.

By Laura A. Heymann

7 minute read

January 26, 2004 | Texas Lawyer

What Clients Really Want

Associates too often fret about bringing in new business without realizing that far more of the firm's work comes not from attracting new clients, but from keeping old ones.

By Laura A. Heymann

7 minute read