Lauren Piccolo Ingram

Lauren Piccolo Ingram

June 28, 2021 | The Recorder

Getting Real Return on Legal Marketing and Client Development Efforts

When working on a marketing or client development initiative, keep the primary goal at the forefront of your mind: connecting one on one with your clients and prospects, says Goodwin's Lauren Piccolo-Ingram and Vanessa Torres.

By Lauren Piccolo-Ingram and Vanessa Torres

6 minute read

March 04, 2020 | The Recorder

Tangible Tactics to Grow Client Relationships

As the adage goes, 80% of business comes from just 20% of clients. Therefore, time spent thinking about and planning how to grow business with a small selection of critical clients is time well spent

By Lauren Piccolo-Ingram and Vanessa Torres

7 minute read

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