Lisa Rivera

Lisa Rivera

July 10, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

How Health Care Companies Can Protect Against Government Scrutiny of COVID-19 Relief Funding

The health care industry must be particularly vigilant about protecting against future enforcement risks because it is a highly regulated industry facing an enforcement perfect storm—fast cash, poor guidance and retrospective review.

By Lisa Rivera and Brian Irving

8 minute read

June 09, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

What Your Company Can Do Today to Protect Against Government Scrutiny of COVID-19 Relief Funding

There are steps prudent companies can take now, while still in crisis, to move forward with needed funding while reducing their risk in later government investigations and enforcement actions.

By Lisa Rivera and Brian Irving

7 minute read

April 23, 2019 | New York Law Journal

Does NY's Legal System Provide Justice to Sexual Assault Survivors?

When recalling a traumatic event a survivor may respond in unexpected ways. They may have a flat affect, tell their story in non-chronological order, and yes, they may even experience uncontrollable laughter. These are completely common reactions to recalling trauma.

By Lisa Rivera

5 minute read