Lydia Pilch

Lydia Pilch

June 20, 2024 |

Sui Generis: Collaborate Like You Mean It

This article offers up some thoughts about how lawyers ought to access and manage resources in order to provide a multi-faceted, full-service approach to addressing their clients' needs.

By Lydia Pilch

8 minute read

April 18, 2024 |

Sui Generis: Negotiate Like You Mean It

What happens when you talk about various negotiation events, strategies, desired outcomes and potentially low key disasters? How should these items should be discussed and what positions are worth taking and which aren't?

By Lydia Pilch

7 minute read

March 15, 2024 |

Sui Generis: Draft Leases Like You Mean It

The automatic acceptance of various boilerplate clauses in commercial leases in the face of jurisprudential modernity and evolving legal approaches is dangerous. The evolutionary exploits of a commercial lease aren't done yet, nor should they be.

By Lydia Pilch

8 minute read