M Jude Egan

M Jude Egan

January 13, 2022 | The Recorder

The Death of the Non-CLETS Domestic Violence Restraining Order. Finally.

Family Law specialist M. Jude Egan urges custody and visitation lawyers and legal aid clinics who represent survivors of abuse to consider deeply the implications of treating DVROs as distinct matters or included matters in dissolution cases on custody, visitation, and support issues particularly.

By M. Jude Egan

12 minute read

August 20, 2020 | The Recorder

Deep Fakes in Divorce Court: Manipulated Electronic Evidence and What to Do About It

"As it gets simpler to manipulate video footage, I will have no real way of knowing what footage has been manipulated and what has not," says certified Family Law Specialist Jude Egan.

By M. Jude Egan

8 minute read

May 28, 2020 | The Recorder

Remote Court Appearances Are the New Normal (and That's a Good Thing)

If judges, lawyers, and court reporters can accept the technical challenges and limitations likely to emerge in the early stages, remote court appearances can become the norm to everyone's longer-term benefit.

By M. Jude Egan, PhD, JD

7 minute read

April 10, 2020 | The Recorder

Co-Parenting in Quarantine: Sharing Custody During the Pandemic, Advice from a Family Law Specialist

The act of passing children back and forth between parents and households is exactly counter to the guidance given to us about social distancing and avoiding transmitting the virus to unknown people.

By M. Jude Egan, PhD, JD

8 minute read