Magdalen Blessey Bickford

Magdalen Blessey Bickford

December 29, 2021 | New York Law Journal

Employers' Year-End Bias Check: Discrimination in Performance Reviews and EEOC Updates

Employers should stay abreast of changing regulations and trends in order to encourage the best performance from their employees.

By Magdalen Blessey Bickford, Camille Bryant and Christine Tenley 

6 minute read

December 22, 2021 | The Legal Intelligencer

Employers' Year-End Bias Check: Discrimination in Performance Reviews and EEOC Updates

With new COVID and AI-related guidance from the EEOC in recent months, employers have a lot to consider heading into 2022.

By Magdalen Blessey Bickford, Camille Bryant and Christine Tenley

7 minute read

June 12, 2020 | The Legal Intelligencer

COVID-19 and School Safety—Preparing for Widespread Illness in Your School

As we look to the upcoming fall semester and prepare for the future of education, what best practices must schools now adopt to comply with new laws and regulations that are developing to protect educators, employees and students from the perils imposed by COVID-19?

By Magdalen Blessey Bickford and Katherine Conklin

8 minute read

March 12, 2020 |

Coronavirus: Business and Legal Implications

The situation remains too fluid to be predictable and there are many legal gray areas and unanswerable questions, but there are also a number of topics that businesses need to be prepared to address in three areas: business interruption issues, employment law and real estate.

By Magdalen Blessey Bickford

7 minute read

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