October 07, 2020 | Corporate Counsel
Patently Confused: Understanding the Patent SystemPopular views of the patent system often suffer from a lack of understanding. The patent system has for centuries fueled the innovations we rely on, but patent law is complex and includes an unfamiliar lexicon.
By Manny W. Schecter
6 minute read
June 09, 2011 | New York Law Journal
Patent Cases Need Early Resolution. Here's How.Manny W. Schecter, chief patent counsel at International Business Machines Corp., and Kathleen A. Bryan, CEO and president of CPR-International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution, write: When faced with an infringement case, lawyers usually refuse to even consider mediation until a court requires it or considerable litigation expense has been incurred. We suggest that early resolution should be analyzed in all patent infringement cases. Many more would be resolved earlier, more effectively, and most significantly, at much lower cost.
By Manny W. Schecter and Kathleen A. Bryan
13 minute read
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