December 12, 2023 | New York Law Journal
The Exceptionally Broad Reach of New York's Franchise LawManufacturers, distributors, patent holders, consultants, retailers and others similarly situated often find themselves in business relationships that may trigger the broad reach of franchise laws. Indeed, those businesses who operate in New York would be wise to be particularly careful in light of New York's exceptionally broad statutory language.
By Marisa Rauchway and Joseph V. Saphia
6 minute read
April 17, 2017 | New Jersey Law Journal
Rule 30(e) and Changing Deposition Testimony in the Third CircuitThe Third Circuit Court of Appeals has provided guidance (and some degree of reassurance) to practitioners that Rule 30(e) has its limitations.
By Marisa Rauchway Sverdlov
13 minute read
January 15, 2016 | New Jersey Law Journal
The NJ Franchise Practices Act and the Legacy of 'Instructional Systems'Who qualifies as a "franchisee" protected by the NJFPA? Sometimes it's a business that looks nothing like a stereotypical franchise.
By Marisa Rauchway Sverdlov
9 minute read
January 15, 2016 | New Jersey Law Journal
The NJ Franchise Practices Act and the Legacy of 'Instructional Systems'Who qualifies as a "franchisee" protected by the NJFPA? Sometimes it's a business that looks nothing like a stereotypical franchise.
By Marisa Rauchway Sverdlov
9 minute read