Mark Bauer

Mark Bauer

Mark Bauer is the bureau chief of Texas Lawyer. Contact him at [email protected]. On Twitter: @MarkBauer

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June 12, 2014 | Texas Lawyer

Exclusive: GC Says Expert Energy Counsel in Shorter Supply Outside Texas

The energy boom in places that lack Texas' experienced counsel leaves in-house legal departments looking for lawyers.

By Mark Bauer

2 minute read

June 10, 2014 | Texas Lawyer

Study looks at the civil rights cases since the enactment of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

With the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 right around the corner, the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts released an infographic illustrating the increase of civil rights-related case filings in the decades since.

By Mark Bauer

1 minute read

May 29, 2014 | Texas Lawyer

'Robert Smith' v. 'Robert A. Smith': Does a middle initial win a lawyer more respect?

Participants were more likely to choose a certain team for an intellectual competition on the basis of which team included the most members with middle initials.

By Mark Bauer

2 minute read

May 15, 2014 | Texas Lawyer

Dilemma: Go to Law School or to Mars?

Cole Leonard wrote in an email that he'll attend Texas Tech University School of Law, where he's been accepted for the fall, while concurrently wading through the Mars One selection process.

By Mark Bauer

2 minute read

May 05, 2014 | Texas Lawyer

Cinco de Mayo brain freeze for attorneys

Did a Dallas entrepreneur ever patent one of the great Texas inventions?

By Mark Bauer

2 minute read

April 10, 2014 | Texas Lawyer

#TBT: Man Held in Contempt After Telling Judge He Doesn't Remove His Cowboy Hat for "Nobody but His Mama"

Leave it to a Texan to disrespect a courtroom in honor of his mother.

By Mark Bauer

1 minute read

March 27, 2014 | Texas Lawyer

Throwback Thursday: George W. Bush Purchases the Texas Rangers

A Fort Worth businessman had been trying to sell his share in the team for three years, and league owners rejected a deal he had reached the previous summer with a Florida car dealer and a New Jersey real estate developer.

By Mark Bauer

2 minute read

February 27, 2014 | Texas Lawyer

Throwback Thursday: Same-sex marriage won't happen in state 'any time soon'

Looking back at these 2003 opinion pieces, did this change happen sooner than anyone anticipated? If so, does 10 years qualify as "soon"?

By Mark Bauer

2 minute read

February 13, 2014 | Texas Lawyer

Throwback Thursday: autocorrect fails from 1989

Like big hair and brick-like mobile phones, a look back at the technology attorneys used 25 years ago is cringe-worthy.

By Mark Bauer

1 minute read