November 03, 2023 | New York Law Journal
How To Conduct a Compliant Business Reorganization or Reduction in ForceBusiness reorganizations and reductions in force are a normal part of the business lifecycle, particularly during an adverse economic period. This article discusses some of the more common legal risks associated with reorganization methods, as well as best practices to mitigate those risks.
By Mark S. Goldstein and Marguerite G. Snyder
8 minute read
October 27, 2020 | New York Law Journal
NYC Human Rights Law: The 'Gold Standard' of Anti-Discrimination Laws?Exploring the history of the New York City Human Rights Law, including what differentiates it from other anti-discrimination statutes. The article also provides practical recommendations for employers grappling with the law's multifaceted requirements.
By Mark S. Goldstein and Alexandra C. Manfredi
9 minute read
December 27, 2019 |
Lawyer's Year Is 'Remarkable' After Revealing Mental Health ChallengesThis Reed Smith lawyer went public in 2019 about his struggles with mental health, a decision that has helped address the stigma of those challenges in the legal community.
By Mark S. Goldstein
6 minute read
March 12, 2019 | New York Law Journal
NY-Based Reed Smith Lawyer Goes Public With His Story About How He Overcame DepressionReed Smith counsel Mark Goldstein wasn't sure he could both be a lawyer and have mental health disabilities. But he learned how to survive and thrive in Big Law.
By Mark S. Goldstein
10 minute read
February 12, 2019 | The American Lawyer
'Scared. Ashamed. Crippled.': How One Lawyer Overcame Living With Depression in Big LawReed Smith counsel Mark Goldstein wasn't sure he could both be a lawyer and have mental health disabilities. But he learned how to survive and thrive in Big Law.
By Mark S. Goldstein
10 minute read
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