Martha N Donovan

Martha N Donovan

January 22, 2019 | FC&S Insurance

The Insurance Maze: How to Maximize Proceeds in Faulty Workmanship Cases

The vast majority of my time practicing law in New Jersey has been dedicated to issues arising in environmental law, including environmental insurance…

By Martha N. Donovan

7 minute read

January 18, 2019 | New Jersey Law Journal

The Insurance Maze: How to Maximize Proceeds in Faulty Workmanship Cases

Language is being added to insurance policies to carve out repair and replacement damages.

By Martha N. Donovan

7 minute read

September 27, 2017 | FC&S Insurance

Where Insurance Coverage Meets the Environment: Insights from 2016 and 2017

The twin sister to environmental law is insurance. The two intertwined subject matters are akin to bread and butter; one is not as good without the other.…

By Martha N. Donovan

8 minute read

September 18, 2017 | New Jersey Law Journal

Where Insurance Coverage Meets the Environment: Insights from 2016 and 2017

While 2016 and 2017 have presented a mixed bag of results for insureds and insurers alike, the results highlight the fact that creative lawyers and courts are nowhere near resolving "as a matter of law" the complex and complicated overlap between retroactive environmental laws with occurrence based liability insurance policies.

By Martha N. Donovan

15 minute read