Martin Lynn

Martin Lynn

November 06, 2017 | FC&S Insurance

Interpreting Dwelling Clauses in Homeowners’ Policies

In courts across New York, homeowners find themselves litigating the most intimate details of their lives — where they sleep, who they live with,…

By Kelsey Shannon and Martin Lynn

9 minute read

October 14, 2017 | New York Law Journal

Interpreting Dwelling Clauses in Homeowners' Policies

Kelsey Shannon and Martin Lynn write: What does it take to qualify one's home as one's "residence?" The case law unfortunately does not provide much certainty. There are a couple well-established principles. First, "[t]he standard for determining residence requires something more than temporary or physical presence and requires at least some degree of permanence and retention to remain." And second, a person can have more than one "residence" for purpose of insurance coverage. But that's about it.

By Kelsey Shannon and Martin Lynn

17 minute read