Matt Nelson

Matt Nelson

February 07, 2014 | Inside Counsel

The litigator’s toolbelt: Predictive Coding 101

Understanding how predictive coding technology and other TAR tools can be used together as part of a defensible e-discovery process can help organizations reduce risk and cost simultaneously.

By Matt Nelson

12 minute read

December 13, 2013 | Inside Counsel

Moving data to the cloud? The top 5 legal department considerations

Although the benefits of cloud computing are real, many organizations make the decision to move to the cloud without thoroughly weighing all the risks and benefits first.

By Matt Nelson

7 minute read

October 24, 2013 | Inside Counsel

Flying under the radar: Proposed international e-discovery standard

Creating an international e-discovery standard requires a much higher level of scrutiny and transparency than the passage of typical ISO standards.

By Matt Nelson

5 minute read

September 27, 2013 | Inside Counsel

Does Judge Scheindlin blast proposed FRCP amendments for all the right reasons?

To date, the role of technology and best practices as factors in managing e-discovery costs has not been a central theme of discussion. But they should be.

By Matt Nelson

6 minute read

May 29, 2013 | Inside Counsel

New record management requirements impact public and private sector

Private sector organizations are commonly at odds with regulatory investigators, but in some ways, the objectives of the government and the companies they investigate are strangely aligned.

By Matt Nelson, Allison Walton

10 minute read

March 28, 2013 | Inside Counsel

New changes to Model Rules a wake-up call for technologically challenged lawyers

Unfortunately, many attorneys tend to avoid technology-related issues that fall outside their comfort zone.

By Matt Nelson

4 minute read

June 18, 2012 | Inside Counsel

3 steps to becoming a "predictive coding guru"

National Public Radio recently said that predictive coding could let "one attorney do the work of 500."

By Dean Gonsowski, Matt Nelson

12 minute read

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