Matthew J Siembieda Edward D Duffy

Matthew J Siembieda Edward D Duffy

September 05, 2017 | Inside Counsel

The Yates Memo: How Does it Actually Affect Criminal Antitrust Enforcement?

The “Yates Memo,” authored by then-Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, is an effort to fundamentally change the way a company and outside…

By Matthew J. Siembieda, Edward D. Duffy

6 minute read

June 28, 2017 | Inside Counsel

The Yates Memo: How Does it Actually Affect Criminal Antitrust Enforcement?

The “Yates Memo,” authored by then-Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, is an effort to fundamentally change the way a company and outside…

By Matthew J. Siembieda, Edward D. Duffy

6 minute read