Matthew J Thomas

Matthew J Thomas

May 19, 2022 | New York Law Journal

A Snapshot of Russia-Related Sanctions and Export Controls

This article provides a snapshot of the U.S. measures currently in place.

By Anthony Rapa and Matthew J. Thomas

8 minute read

December 18, 2015 | The Legal Intelligencer

What Crude Oil Export Ban Repeal May Mean for Phila. Region

While one 1970s-era energy policy, corn fuel mandates, goes on in automatic pilot, Congress this week sent to the showers the 40-year-old ban on U.S. crude exports. Congressional leaders approved the measure to end the export ban as part of the omnibus appropriations bill that is aimed at preventing a government shutdown. As part of the deal, Democrats were able to extract a rollback of GOP attempts to stop some of President Obama's environmental regulations and extensions of wind and solar tax credits.

By Michael L. Krancer 
and Matthew J. Thomas

6 minute read

December 17, 2015 | The Legal Intelligencer

What Crude Oil Export Ban Repeal May Mean for Phila. Region

While one 1970s-era energy policy, corn fuel mandates, goes on in automatic pilot, Congress this week sent to the showers the 40-year-old ban on U.S. crude exports. Congressional leaders approved the measure to end the export ban as part of the omnibus appropriations bill that is aimed at preventing a government shutdown. As part of the deal, Democrats were able to extract a rollback of GOP attempts to stop some of President Obama's environmental regulations and extensions of wind and solar tax credits.

By Michael L. Krancer 
and Matthew J. Thomas

6 minute read