December 21, 2021 | New York Law Journal
'Golden Rule': Apply Accounting Principles CorrectlyThe 'Golden Rule' court's decision provides yet another reason why the seller's calculations should be carefully scrutinized before closing.
By Matthew Solum
3 minute read
August 20, 2021 | New York Law Journal
Injunctions in ArbitrationThough it may seem challenging to secure injunctive relief in a private arbitration rather than in the court system, the reality is that litigants have a variety of options and, in fact, can leverage both the speed and expertise of arbitrators and the power of the courts in order to secure meaningful relief.
By Matthew Solum
7 minute read
May 15, 2020 | New York Law Journal
Is There Any Limit to Ostensibly Unfettered Discretion in a Contract?A recent decision has found that even unfettered contractual discretion might be trumped by an allegation that the fiduciary is self-dealing or has otherwise acted in bad faith.
By Matthew Solum
6 minute read
March 17, 2017 | New York Law Journal
'GE Oil & Gas v. Turbine Generation Services': An Agreement to (Dis)agree?Matthew Solum writes that while an agreement on the key terms can be useful in a negotiation, parties can leave the table with different understandings of what that preliminary agreement actually means and, importantly, whether and to what extent that agreement is binding.
By Matthew Solum
14 minute read
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