May 18, 2022 | New York Law Journal
Historical Perspectives on Bail, Part IIIn this concluding part of a two-part commentary, the author continues to provide historical context on bail, writing: "From our brief survey, we see that society has struggled with the issue of bail, which poses complex questions and elusive answers."
By Matthew V. Grieco
7 minute read
May 17, 2022 | New York Law Journal
Historical Perspectives on Bail, Part IAs the debate over where we should be headed continues, it is often helpful to understand where we came from and how we got here, and concomitantly, what has already been tried or not been tried. The goal of this article is not to recommend the path that should be taken, but rather to provide orienting context to assist for the journey ahead.
By Matthew V. Grieco
12 minute read
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