September 10, 2020 | The Legal Intelligencer
EPA Final Rules Amend Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards for Oil and Gas IndustryOn Aug. 13, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued two final rules impacting the new source performance standards (NSPS) for the oil and natural gas industry pursuant to its authority under the Clean Air Act (CAA).
By Megan A. Elliott
6 minute read
May 28, 2020 | The Legal Intelligencer
New Clean Water Act 'Functional Equivalent' for Indirect Discharge PermittingIn April, the U.S. Supreme Court established a new standard under the Clean Water Act when it vacated and remanded a closely watched U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit decision that pertained to the federal government's authority to regulate the discharge of pollution from a point source through groundwater to navigable waters.
By Megan A. Elliott and Bryan P. Franey
7 minute read
November 07, 2019 | The Legal Intelligencer
Environmental Groups, State AGs Challenge Endangered Species Act RevisionsAs with many environmental policy developments in this current political atmosphere, however, public reaction has been split—many members of the regulated community have welcomed the changes, while environmental groups and several state attorneys general have sued the administration to overturn the rulemaking.
By Rodd W. Bender and Megan A. Elliott
8 minute read
July 24, 2019 | The Legal Intelligencer
EPA Finalizes Affordable Clean Energy RuleOn June 19, the Trump administration's Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized its Affordable Clean Energy rule (ACE rule), intending to put the final nail in the coffin of Obama-era attempts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
By Megan A. Elliott
7 minute read
September 13, 2018 | The Legal Intelligencer
Climate Change Scorecard: Affordable Clean Energy Rule Versus Clean Power PlanJust weeks ago, the Trump administration proposed its long-awaited answer to the Obama-era Clean Power Plan (CPP). The CPP was the first federal endeavor to regulate greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) from existing fossil-fuel fired power plants.
By Katherine L. Vaccaro and Megan A. Elliott
6 minute read
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