May 26, 2020 | The Legal Intelligencer
Cannabis and Coronavirus: Examining the Pre- and Post-Pandemic Regulatory LandscapeWhile public attention has focused on how the coronavirus is affecting cannabis businesses from the perspective of supply and demand, there is an equally important force receiving less attention: the regulatory framework for cannabis.
By Meghana Shah and Melissa Fox
9 minute read
July 30, 2019 | New York Law Journal
The Uncertain Status of Food Products Containing CBDFDA regulations may not be released for years, and some local authorities like the New York City Department of Health are not waiting and have begun to crack down on the sale of food and beverages containing CBD.
By Meghana Shah and Melissa L. Fox
6 minute read
March 08, 2019 | New York Law Journal
Catching the Cannabis Wave? The Legal Status of CBD and Its Future as a Subject of Civil LitigationThe rapid pace by which CBD is being introduced to the consuming public is not free of regulatory and litigation risk.
By Greg Kaufman, Meghana Shah and Brittany Cambre
8 minute read
May 18, 2018 | New York Law Journal
Recent Developments Have Let the Air Out of Slack Fill LawsuitsWhile the proliferation of slack fill claims may concern food and beverage manufacturers, recent legal developments indicate that the viability of these claims may be short lived.
By Meghana Shah, Brittany Cambre and Amber Unwala
8 minute read
April 02, 2018 | Corporate Counsel
Navigating International InvestigationsCorporate scandals in recent years and the ensuing passage of Sarbanes-Oxley, Dodd-Frank and other compliance-based legislation have resulted in an exponential…
By Meghana Shah, Lewis Wiener, Ronald Zdrojeski and Brittany Cambre
7 minute read
May 22, 2017 | New York Law Journal
Slack Fill: Is This Deception or Just a Bunch of Air?Meghana Shah and Melissa Conrad-Alam of Eversheds Sutherland (US) write: Early slack fill complaints have been met with resistance. Courts have dismissed many complaints out of hand for failure to plead a cognizable claim or for failure to meet plausibility standards for pleading. As a result, the allegations in the complaints are becoming increasingly detailed and complex. As the flurry of suits continues, the question remains: Are these allegations just a bunch of air?
By Meghana Shah and Melissa Conrad-Alam
16 minute read