Michael J Rivera

Michael J Rivera

September 26, 2019 | Corporate Counsel

Insider Trading Policies and Training: Time for a Refresher? Part 3

Counsel should be on the lookout for potential changes to the rules governing the stock trading plans corporate executives routinely rely on to trade company stock, or 10b5-1 plans.

By Michael J. Rivera and Abby Yi

7 minute read

September 10, 2019 | Corporate Counsel

Insider Trading Policies and Training: Time for a Refresher? Part 2

The SEC twice issued cybersecurity guidance to public companies in 2018. The SEC used one of these pronouncements to opine on the need for insider trading policies to account for cyber-related incidents.

By Michael J. Rivera and Abby I. Yi

5 minute read

August 23, 2019 | Corporate Counsel

Insider Trading Policies and Training: Time for a Refresher? Part 1

Companies are embracing remote work options to cultivate a more satisfied and productive workforce. However, a negative consequence is that employees routinely remove sensitive company documents from the secure confines of their offices and company databases.

By Michael J. Rivera and Abby I. Yi

7 minute read

August 18, 2008 | National Law Journal

Billions Not for the Plaintiffs Bar

Major brokerage firms are agreeing to buy back billions of dollars of outstanding auction-rate securities — a welcome surprise for investors, whose assets lost liquidity overnight when the market for the securities collapsed in February. The giant buyback agreements represent a novel approach to resolving regulatory investigations. But equally, if not more, interesting is the profound impact they will likely have on the considerable private litigation begun in the past six months.

By Michael J. Rivera and Erik N. Frias

8 minute read

August 27, 2008 | Law.com

Billions Not for the Plaintiffs Bar

Major brokerage firms are agreeing to buy back billions of dollars of outstanding auction-rate securities -- a welcome surprise for investors, whose assets lost liquidity overnight when the market for the securities collapsed in February. The giant buyback agreements represent a novel approach to resolving regulatory investigations. But equally, if not more, interesting is the profound impact they will likely have on the considerable private litigation begun in the past six months.

By Michael J. Rivera and Erik N. Frias

8 minute read

June 23, 2008 | New York Law Journal

The Tenant-in-Common Interest Problem

Michael J. Rivera and Steven G. Scheinfeld, partners at Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson, and Erik N. Frias, an associate at the firm, write that over the last decade, the market for Tenant-In-Common interests in investment properties, particularly commercial real estate projects (such as shopping malls, office buildings and large residential buildings), has evolved from a small niche market into a vast multi-billion dollar industry.

By Michael J. Rivera, Steven G. Scheinfeld and Erik N. Frias

10 minute read