Michael J Tiffany

Michael J Tiffany

August 18, 2023 | New York Law Journal

Wire Transfer Fraud On the Rise and the Legal Fallout

This article addresses how victims of wire transfer fraud are often unable to assert legal claims that lead to an actual recovery and discusses steps that can be taken to both prevent and handle wire transfer fraud.

By Michael J. Tiffany

8 minute read

September 15, 2022 | New York Law Journal

Second Circuit Allows Broader Judicial Discretion in Denying Attachments

A pre-judgment order of attachment freezing a defendant's assets can have extraordinary implications on finances, operations and even third parties. A recent Second Circuit decision provides a clearer path for defendants to argue that these implications may be considered, in the court's discretion, as grounds to deny an attachment that is otherwise proper under New York law.

By Michael J. Tiffany

7 minute read