Michael L Bloom Salam Sheikh Khalil

Michael L Bloom Salam Sheikh Khalil

October 18, 2016 | Corporate Counsel

How to Negotiate 'Most Favored Nations' Provisions

This article identifies issues both buyers and sellers should consider when negotiating "most favored nations" provisions in contracts.

By Michael L. Bloom, Salam Sheikh-Khalil and Joel Varner

13 minute read

September 12, 2016 | Corporate Counsel

Ethical Pitfalls for Lawyers Working with Nonprofit Coalitions

Coalitions—composed of multiple organizations possibly with disparate interests and goals—might tackle social challenges such as affordable housing or rally behind a policy cause such as education reform. The task for the lawyer is to navigate this web while serving her client's interests zealously.

By Michael L. Bloom, Salam Sheikh-Khalil and Yi Zhou

9 minute read