October 31, 2005 | Corporate Counsel
Reinventing The Patent ActA compromise is brewing on Capitol Hill that would recast the U.S. patent system. Will it make any difference -- for better or worse?
By Michael T. Burr
20 minute read
September 30, 2005 | Corporate Counsel
New FASB Rule Spurs Brownfield Spin-Offs, Write-DownsDisclosure Rules Presage 'Environmental Enron'
By Michael T. Burr
29 minute read
August 31, 2005 | Corporate Counsel
Corporate America Feels The HeatThe political winds have shifted in the global warming debate. The main questions now are how, when and what will it cost?
By Michael T. Burr
16 minute read
July 31, 2005 | Corporate Counsel
Salespeople Get Caught In SEC's Governance NetGCs Need To Examine Sales Practices To Ensure Compliance
By Michael T. Burr
22 minute read
May 31, 2005 | Corporate Counsel
Market TremorsInternationalization, hedge funds and shareholder power are reshaping capital markets. Smart companies are reinforcing their financial strategies.
By Michael T. Burr
17 minute read
February 28, 2005 | Corporate Counsel
Broadcasters Revolt Against FCC CrackdownABC Draws Line in Sand With "Saving Private Ryan" Broadcast
By Michael T. Burr
27 minute read
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