Michelle Greene

Michelle Greene

January 09, 2019 | New York Law Journal

Statute of Limitations in Toxic Tort Cases: CPLR 214-f and Beyond

The enactment of CPLR 214-f allows plaintiffs more time to bring a toxic tort claim. This amendment will have significant impacts in the coming years allowing plaintiffs to bring toxic tort claims in connection with newly designated Superfund sites, claims that might otherwise be barred by existing New York statutes of limitations.

By Paul J. Napoli and Michelle Greene

8 minute read

July 07, 2008 | National Law Journal

Stress core competencies

Northwestern University School of Law recently undertook a comprehensive analysis of what capabilities today's law students will need to excel in their careers. The school, with the assistance of a consulting firm, gathered extensive research on legal education and legal profession trends; received input from faculty, alumni and students; and talked to the lawyers affecting the trends. The outcome is a major new plan to screen for and develop the core competencies that are at the heart of our analysis.

By David Van Zandt & Michelle Greene / Special to The National Law Journal

5 minute read

July 14, 2008 | Law.com

Commentary: Stress Core Competencies in Legal Education

Today's law students need a much more sophisticated understanding of what it means to work as well as think like lawyers in 21st-century careers, say dean of Northwestern University School of Law David Van Zandt and consultant Michelle Greene. With that in mind, Northwestern undertook a comprehensive analysis of what capabilities today's law students will need to excel in their careers. The outcome is a major new plan to screen for and develop the competencies that are at the heart of its analysis.

By David Van Zandt and Michelle Greene

5 minute read