Mitzi Hill

Mitzi Hill

July 09, 2018 | Daily Report Online

Cyber for Growth: How Security Planning Is Good for the Bottom Line

Showing that you are prepared is increasingly a requirement for your customers, investors, employees and potential acquirers.

By Mitzi Hill

1 minute read

December 28, 2017 | Daily Report Online

Planning for Cyber Information Security in 2018 in the Wake of Equifax

Any plaintiffs lawyer will love poring over your company's documented decisions about which problems not to fix. This is a perverse result of planning, and can be managed, just like many other risks can.

By Mitzi Hill

6 minute read

July 10, 2017 | Daily Report Online

Cybersecurity Vendor Management Has Role in Risk Reduction

Here are some basics to consider when evaluating your vendors and their commitments to your cybersecurity, as well as some specific measures to employ with those suppliers whose work might present a risk to your company data.

By Mitzi Hill, Taylor English Duma

14 minute read