Murray Richman

Murray Richman

June 20, 2019 | New York Law Journal

Netflix Series Portrays Linda Fairstein as Foil for Criminal Justice System's Ills

Linda Fairstein is no more guilty of what she is portrayed to have done, in the film, as the exonerated were in reality.

By Murray Richman

2 minute read

June 13, 2019 | New York Law Journal

Rush to Condemn Linda Fairstein Is Mob Rule

Mob rule, which this clearly is, is morally and intellectually indefensible. The mob serves as a substitute for thought; to be the liberal purveyors for a just society and behave in such a manner is outrageous.

By Murray Richman

3 minute read

March 01, 2019 | New York Law Journal

Attorneys Shouldn't Have to Go Through Metal Detectors to Enter Courthouses

Why is it that attorneys, who now carry state and federally issued bar identity cards so that they may carry their phones into a courthouse, must wait on line to pass through metal detectors, emptying pockets, removing outer garments, suit jackets, shoes and belt?

By Murray Richman

3 minute read

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