Nancy J Mertzel

Nancy J Mertzel

March 21, 2023 | The Legal Intelligencer

Artificial Intelligence and Copyright Law: From Monkey Selfies to ChatGPT

The widespread use of AI software in business, industry and medicine is likely just beginning. As with other disruptive technology, it will take time for the law to catch up.

By Nancy J. Mertzel

8 minute read

March 20, 2020 | New York Law Journal

Strategies for Avoiding and Responding to Copyright Troll Litigation

This article provides an overview of copyright troll litigation, briefly discusses proactive steps businesses can take to minimize the risk of being sued, and explores potential litigation strategies for responding to troll cases.

By Nancy J. Mertzel

11 minute read

September 14, 2009 | New York Law Journal

Federal Circuit Reverses Standard For Fraud on the Trademark Office

Nancy J. Mertzel, a partner at Gibbons, and Thomas DeSimone, an associate at the firm, write that by making clear that fraud must be proven "to the hilt," a recent Federal Circuit decision reduces the risk that a registration will be invalidated based on mere inadvertence or a misunderstanding of the law. This holding, they say, is likely to restore confidence among trademark owners regarding the degree to which they can rely upon their registrations to delineate their rights and return the playing field in trademark disputes to its traditional contours.

By Nancy J. Mertzel and Thomas DeSimone

8 minute read

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