Neil Merkl Clifford Katz

Neil Merkl Clifford Katz

December 05, 2013 | Inside Counsel

Litigation: Changes made to federal law that could determine poker's legality

The 2nd Circuit reversed U.S. v. DiCristina because the Illegal Gambling Business Act did not require the prosecution to demonstrate playing poker violated federal law.

By Neil Merkl, Clifford Katz

5 minute read

October 18, 2012 | Inside Counsel

Litigation: Is poker gambling? One decision may answer that question

You may have seen the stories in The New York Times, Poker Is More a Game of Skill than of Chance, a Judge Rules or the Wall Street Journal, Poker is Not Gambling Under Federal Law. So is this right?

By Neil Merkl, Clifford Katz

5 minute read

September 06, 2012 | Inside Counsel

Litigation: Mutual Pharmaceutical Co. petitions Supreme Court to reverse design-defect decision

The generic drug industry suffered a disappointment when the 1st Circuit recently held federal law did not preempt state tort law in design defect cases.

By Neil Merkl, Clifford Katz

8 minute read