Pamela L Millard

Pamela L Millard

November 22, 2017 | Delaware Business Court Insider

Bridging the GAAP: Contractual Interpretation Issues in 'Chicago Bridge & Iron'

On June 28, 2017, the Delaware Supreme Court reversed the Court of Chancery's prior ruling in Chicago Bridge & Iron v. Westinghouse Electric, 2016 WL 7048031 (Del. Ch. Dec. 5, 2016), rev'd, 2017 WL 2774563 (Del. June 28), holding that an independent auditor appointed to resolve purchase price adjustment disputes relating to a sale transaction was not empowered to decide challenges to the seller's compliance with GAAP in connection with a post-closing true up of net working capital.

By Pamela L. Millard

7 minute read