Patrick Daniel

Patrick Daniel

July 14, 2021 | Texas Lawyer

What Causes Buildings to Collapse?

As we have seen with the Surfside condo collapse, structural failure is a complex issue that requires highly technical expert testimony to pinpoint.

By Patrick Daniel

6 minute read

July 15, 2020 | Texas Lawyer

Dram Shop Laws—Mandated Social Responsibility

Over 80,000 people die from alcohol-related causes each year in the U.S. The annual cost of alcohol abuse in this country is over $200 billion per year. It's all preventable.

By Patrick Daniel

6 minute read

July 13, 2020 | Texas Lawyer

Will HOS Revisions Increase Risk of Truck Accidents?

Proposed changes in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's Hours-of-Service rules for truck drivers will give them more flexibility, but will the changes affect highway safety?

By Patrick Daniel

7 minute read

January 27, 2020 | Texas Lawyer

What It's Like to Try Your First Personal Injury Case

With the right amount of preparation, knowledge and understanding, you can take a lot of the scare, terror and fear out of trying your first case.

By Patrick Daniel

6 minute read