Patrick R Kingsley

Patrick R Kingsley

April 26, 2024 | The Legal Intelligencer

Why Your Best Move in Arbitration May Be to Use a Chess Clock

Clients have inserted arbitration provisions to avoid the expensive trappings of litigation, but their counsel sometimes tries to remake arbitration in the familiar image of litigation. Fortunately, there is a tool to keep this trend in check: the chess clock. (Pun intended)

By Patrick R. Kingsley

7 minute read

May 04, 2023 | The Legal Intelligencer

Consider Binding Mediation for Your Persnickety Construction Disputes

As the old saying goes, "Sometimes it is more important for some things to be decided than to be decided correctly." As the saying recognizes, the efficiency in achieving resolution is sometimes just as important as the substantive resolution itself.

By Patrick R. Kingsley

8 minute read

November 03, 2022 | The Legal Intelligencer

Building Greener: How to Navigate Pennsylvania's Eco-Friendly Initiatives

Green building and sustainable development practices are now important considerations for design and construction projects in Pennsylvania. Fortunately, Pennsylvania is one of many states to embrace the concept of green building with recent legislation creating financing incentives for renewable energy improvements to commercial real estate.

By Patrick R. Kingsley and Amy K. Lyon

7 minute read

April 28, 2022 | The Legal Intelligencer

Construction Law Update: What Else? Still COVID-19!

Pennsylvania has a long history of honoring the allocation of risk among contractual counterparties, and it would seem that COVID-19 will be no exception to this inclination. The early indication is that if you have a provision that addresses the pandemic, expect the courts to enforce it as written.

By Patrick R. Kingsley and Adriel J. Garcia

6 minute read

January 06, 2022 | The Legal Intelligencer

How to Make Your Mediation a Success: Seven Tips

Experience shows that if one of these key ingredients is missing, the results are often disappointing. The parties' investment of time and money in the process of resolving the dispute through mediation would itself seem to be a recipe for success.

By Patrick R. Kingsley

8 minute read

April 14, 2020 | Legaltech News

How Effective is Electronic Mediation in the Age of COVID-19?

As businesses suffer through this crisis, it is more important than ever that disputes get resolved in a timely and efficient way. And there is a time-tested solution to this problem: mediation. With a new twist, thanks to social distancing.

By Patrick R. Kingsley, Stradley Ronon

5 minute read

January 09, 2019 | The Legal Intelligencer

The Singapore Convention on Mediation: Good News for Businesses

On June 26, the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) approved the final draft of the Convention on the Enforcement of International Settlement Agreements and its associated Model Law.

By Patrick R. Kingsley

7 minute read