Paul M Honigberg

Paul M Honigberg

May 30, 2012 | Inside Counsel

Regulatory: Take me out to the ball game? Think twice

Companies looking to give gifts to politicians or government employees face stiff restrictions

By Paul M. Honigberg

10 minute read

May 17, 2012 | Inside Counsel

Litigation: Handling corporate depositions with care

Outside counsel sends you a notice of deposition served by your adversary that commands your company to appear for a deposition pursuant to Rule 30(b)(6) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.

By Paul M. Honigberg

12 minute read

May 03, 2012 | Inside Counsel

Litigation: The accidental lobbyist

Your company wants to challenge a regulation or a federal agencys interpretation of a statute. But maybe you can resolve the matter without litigation, so you call someone you know in the federal agency to set up a meeting. That meeting may lead to another meeting. And therein lies the...

By Paul M. Honigberg

7 minute read

April 05, 2012 | Inside Counsel

Litigation: How to make your life easier

So much has been written about the duty to preserve electronic evidence that there is little room left for original scholarship. Simply stated, the duty arises when litigation is reasonably anticipated. Compliance can be shockingly expensive, yet counsel and litigants who fall short of the courts expectations could pay a...

By Alan Freeman, Paul M. Honigberg

4 minute read

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