June 01, 2018 | New Jersey Law Journal
Gimme ShelterOP-ED: Shelter can be a good thing under most circumstances. That is, however, unless driving home after consuming some adult beverage!
By Peter Lederman
1 minute read
February 20, 2017 | New Jersey Law Journal
So Political!In this time of "change" that elected our new president, it's time for us to take care of business at home and reform our municipal courts.
By Peter Lederman
9 minute read
November 07, 2016 | New Jersey Law Journal
Make New Jersey Great Again?A DWI defense attorney wonders what it would be like if one of our gubernatorial candidates took the Donald Trump approach and told us they wanted to "make New Jersey great again."
By Peter Lederman
10 minute read
February 19, 2016 | New Jersey Law Journal
Do the Right ThingA proposed senate bill would create a diversionary program for certain defendants charged with DWI; is adopting it the right thing to do?
By Peter Lederman
5 minute read
December 28, 2015 | New Jersey Law Journal
To Do Justice and Love MercyOne individual who found a way to dispense justice with mercy and humility for years, in Monmouth County Municipal Courts, is retired Judge Mark Apostolou.
By Peter Lederman
5 minute read
December 27, 2015 | New Jersey Law Journal
To Do Justice and Love MercyOne individual who found a way to dispense justice with mercy and humility for years, in Monmouth County Municipal Courts, is retired Judge Mark Apostolou.
By Peter Lederman
5 minute read
October 02, 2015 | New Jersey Law Journal
Municipal Court Hearings Sometimes Become Endurance EventsMunicipal court hearings sometimes become endurance events of their own when attorneys are thrust into hearings late at night at the direction of the court.
By Peter Lederman
5 minute read
October 01, 2015 | New Jersey Law Journal
Municipal Court Hearings Sometimes Become Endurance EventsMunicipal court hearings sometimes become endurance events of their own when attorneys are thrust into hearings late at night at the direction of the court.
By Peter Lederman
5 minute read
November 06, 2014 | New Jersey Law Journal
GravityThe present municipal court system is structurally flawed; some of its problems can best be explained by analogy with the force of gravity.
By Peter Lederman
6 minute read
June 06, 2012 | New Jersey Law Journal
It's Time To Consider DWI CourtsN.J. must change the way it deals with alcohol abuse and motor vehicle operation. We should consider expanding our drug courts to include drivers convicted of DWI or setting up DWI courts.
By Peter Lederman
4 minute read