October 01, 2020 | Corporate Counsel
Asking the Right Questions: How Corporate Boards Can Better Respond to Race Discrimination and HarassmentDirectors should proactively—and comprehensively—assess their programs with a critical eye, just as they do in other areas of compliance.
By Preston Pugh and Michelle Onibokun
11 minute read
May 12, 2020 | Corporate Counsel
Crisis Management Response—What the Board WantsCrisis response is now a primary focus of internal and external stakeholders alike. Corporate board directors, as one of these groups of stakeholders, are, or should be, an important part of the crisis management process.
By Preston Pugh and Abigail (Abi) T. Stokes
9 minute read
March 19, 2020 | Corporate Counsel
Fortify Your Crisis Management Plan: A Focus on HREven for companies with the best compliance programs, certain events are unforeseeable (e.g., "black swans"), or unstoppable ("gray rhinos"). The answer is not simply to reactively deal with these events when they come, but instead to implement a plan that can save important time and provide a semblance of order when the next crisis happens.
By Preston Pugh
11 minute read
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