Rachel A Van Cleave

Rachel A Van Cleave

October 25, 2021 | The Recorder

The First Step in Overhauling Criminal Justice? Abolish the Death Penalty

"Abolishing the death penalty will not change the ideology of the current Supreme Court. Rather, it will take state and local officials and advocates to abolish," said Rachel A. Van Cleave, a professor of law and former dean at Golden Gate University School of Law.

By Rachel A. Van Cleave

8 minute read

July 30, 2021 | The Recorder

The Time Is Overdue to Fix the Judicial Confirmation Process

From Thomas to Kavanaugh to Cosby, politics must be removed from decisions related to sexual violence allegations, according to Golden Gate University School of Law's Sonia Bakshi and Rachel Van Cleave.

By Sonia Bakshi and Rachel A. Van Cleave

5 minute read

March 07, 2019 | The Recorder

What Italian Sexual Violence Law Can Teach US Law in the #MeToo Era

On International Women's Day, with women facing challenges on equal pay, reproductive rights, sexual harassment and violent sexual assault, the topic of sudden, forced and unwanted kisses initially seems trivial, unworthy of consideration.

By Rachel A. Van Cleave

6 minute read

May 27, 2011 | The Legal Intelligencer

So You Want to Teach Law? Tips for a Successful Adjunct Experience

After practicing law and perhaps specializing in a particular area for several years, you cannot help but think, "I wish they had taught me [blank] in law school." You start to wonder whether you could teach a class at a local law school. Here are some tips for pursuing such an endeavor.

By Rachel A. Van Cleave

8 minute read

May 10, 2011 | The Recorder

So You Want to Teach Law

Rachel A. Van Cleave of Golden Gate University School of Law shares tips on what it takes to become an adjunct professor at your local law school.

By Rachel A. Van Cleave

8 minute read

May 18, 2011 | Law.com

A Primer for Teaching Law as an Adjunct Professor

After practicing law for several years, you may start to think about teaching a law school class. Here are some tips for pursuing and succeeding at such an endeavor, from Rachel A. Van Cleave, a professor and the associate dean for academic affairs at Golden Gate University School of Law.

By Rachel A. Van Cleave

8 minute read

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