March 14, 2023 | Daily Business Review
Income Taxes for Divorced Couples Don't Have to Be … TaxingThe IRS considers a couple to be "married" as it pertains to their filing until the final divorce decree documents are issued by the court. With the federal income tax deadline looming, it is important to keep this in mind if you are going through a divorce or are newly divorced.
By Rebecca L. Palmer
4 minute read
February 14, 2023 | The Legal Intelligencer
Valentine's Day Could be Called Divorce Day ... Statistically SpeakingMany family law professionals and their clients would agree that there is never a right time to experience the stress, emotional strain, and financial toll that is part of a divorce proceeding, but recent reports show that there is a 40% increase in divorce inquiries leading up to and following Valentine's Day—making it by default, the divorce time of year.
By Rebecca L. Palmer
4 minute read
February 09, 2023 | Daily Business Review
Valentine's Day Could be Called Divorce Day ... Statistically SpeakingMany family law professionals and their clients would agree that there is never a right time to experience the stress, emotional strain, and financial toll that is part of a divorce proceeding, but recent reports show that there is a 40% increase in divorce inquiries leading up to and following Valentine's Day—making it by default, the divorce time of year.
By Rebecca L. Palmer
4 minute read
January 23, 2023 | Daily Business Review
Millennials Are Choosing Domestic Partnerships but They Don't Grant the Same Legal Rights as MarriageMany millennials are pursuing a different approach to long-term commitments—domestic partnerships. These are used to legally recognize any two-person relationship of those who live together and share a common domestic life while retaining similar, but not identical, rights to traditional marriage.
By Rebecca L. Palmer
4 minute read
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