April 10, 2020 | Law.com
My 2L (Remote) Life in the Grand SchemeThe desire to blame someone is widespread. Faulting a person or institution is much easier than accepting the tragic reality, much of which is beyond anyone's control.
By Renee Griffin
5 minute read
February 03, 2020 | Law.com
For Law Students, Politics Invades the Ivory TowerWith the path from law school to political power notoriously well-paved, it's worth asking: What does law school do to a person's politics?
By Renee Griffin
6 minute read
November 14, 2019 | Law.com
If You Speak Like a Lawyer, Do You Think Like One?Law school may be better at teaching us to talk like lawyers than it is at the loftier, near-mythical aspiration of teaching us to think like lawyers.
By Renee Griffin
5 minute read
October 02, 2019 | Law.com
My 2L Life: The 'Weirdness' of Law School's Second YearOne month into my second year of law school, I've been struggling to find the proper way to describe 2L. In a word: weird.
By Renee Griffin
5 minute read
May 15, 2019 | Law.com
I Survived My First Year of Law School. Woot.I've resolved to try to ditch this mindset of “what comes next?” It feels like the fastest route to burnout—a path well-traveled by many in the legal profession.
By Renee Griffin
5 minute read
April 10, 2019 | Law.com
My One-L Life: Where 'Grutter' Hits Close to HomeIt's been a strange experience to read about the U.S. Supreme Court justices disagreeing with the admissions process at Michigan Law School, while sitting in the halls of that school as a student lucky enough to be let in.
By Renee Griffin
6 minute read
March 06, 2019 | Law.com
Long Live the Lunch TalkI mourn my undergraduate freedom to study something solely because it might be interesting, but law school does offer some ways to learn about intriguing things without being forced to contemplate my entire professional future.
By Renee Griffin
6 minute read
February 06, 2019 | Law.com
My One-L Life: The Looming Job SearchThe planning for summer jobs—not just this coming summer, but the one after 2L year, which potentially leads to an offer of post-graduate employment—has begun in earnest, bringing with it a pressure to “network” that makes me cringe at the very word.
By Renee Griffin
6 minute read
December 18, 2018 | Law.com
My Life Now: 1L Finals at a T14A sense of panic lurks in the background of every class, every passing hello in the hallways and even every weekend night at the bars.
By Renee Griffin
6 minute read