Ric Gallin

Ric Gallin

July 18, 2019 | New Jersey Law Journal

Appellate Court Enforces Subrogation Waiver in AIA Contract-Based Litigation

The court's ruling will have a substantial impact by effectively barring subrogation in New Jersey between parties to an AIA contract.

By Ric Gallin and Nabila Saeed

7 minute read

November 06, 2017 | New Jersey Law Journal

Appellate Division Further Refines 'Continuous Trigger' in Progressive Injury Claims

The Appellate Division revisited the “last pull of the trigger” recently in its "Air Master" decision -- another important step in New Jersey courts' allocation of risk among successive insurance policies where injury occurs over an extended period of time.

By Ric Gallin and Alicia Langone

9 minute read