Richard Tannenbaum Alexis Leventhal

Richard Tannenbaum Alexis Leventhal

July 07, 2022 | The Legal Intelligencer

The Impact of Down Payments on Purchase Money Security Interests

A purchase money security interest (PMSI) under the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) provides for an exception to the general "first in time, first in priority" financing statement filing structure for perfecting a security interest, since a PMSI will have priority over previously perfected security interests in the same collateral.

By Richard Tannenbaum, Alexis Leventhal and Emily Costantinou

6 minute read

March 28, 2022 | The Legal Intelligencer

Vendor Financing Agreements and Financial Accommodations Contracts in Bankruptcy

Whatever their ultimate business decision may be, practitioners would be well-served to consider the implications of Section 365(a) of the Bankruptcy Code when they are first negotiating the vendor finance agreements.

By Ann Pille, Richard Tannenbaum, Alexis Leventhal and Emily Costantinou

10 minute read