December 18, 2013 | Inside Counsel
Compliance: FCPA diligence in M&A transactionsInside counsel would be wise to consider the significant recent increase in enforcement of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act when conducting due diligence on M&A.
By Robert J. Gavigan, Andrew M. Por
5 minute read
December 04, 2013 | Inside Counsel
Compliance: Starbucks’ expensive exit: A wake-up call to inside counselInside counsel can learn key lessons from Starbucks' distribution agreement with Kraft Foods Inc. and the expensive price Starbucks paid to leave.
By Robert J. Gavigan, Andrew M. Por
5 minute read
November 20, 2013 | Inside Counsel
Compliance: Rule 506 “bad actor” disqualificationsInside counsel will need to make factual inquiries in the form of questionnaires and certifications and other factual investigations into covered persons related to the company.
By Robert J. Gavigan, Andrew M. Por
5 minute read
November 06, 2013 | Inside Counsel
Compliance: In re Trados and what it really means to inside counselThe courts finding that the Trados board failed to pass the fair dealing aspect of the entire fairness standard should not be overlooked, and inside counsel can take lessons from it.
By Robert J. Gavigan, Andrew M. Por
6 minute read
October 23, 2013 | Inside Counsel
Regulatory: Why the SEC’s proposed pay-ratio rule will increase compliance costsThe regulations would require most issuers to disclose the ratio of the median salary to the annual total compensation of the PEO.
By Robert J. Gavigan, Andrew M. Por
6 minute read