Robert Weiner

Robert Weiner

June 15, 2017 | Inside Counsel

Winning in Managing Outside Counsel

Some might think it presumptuous for an attorney in private practice, not in-house, to opine on how inside counsel can better manage outside counsel. But…

By Robert Weiner

13 minute read

June 14, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

Winning in Managing Outside Counsel

Much of the folk wisdom on managing outside counsel is at best partially true, and important canons outside this anthology are ignored or used to less benefit than they could be. The author, drawing on his experience in the private sector as a member or leader of many teams that in-house lawyers have managed, examines some examples at both ends of this spectrum.

By Robert Weiner

13 minute read

May 15, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

Winning in Litigation: Strategic Issues the Corporate Counsel Need to Know

Undoubtedly, legal motions will sometimes be futile. I have appeared before judges who flatly declared, "I do not grant summary judgment."

By Robert Weiner

16 minute read

May 11, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

Winning in Dealing With the US Government: 10 Lessons

I have litigated against the federal government for more than 30 years and spent an additional six years working for the government—two in the White House Counsel's Office, two as an associate independent counsel, and two in the Justice Department overseeing the constitutional defense of health reform legislation and trying to defuse other exigent issues.

By Robert Weiner

18 minute read

May 21, 2007 | National Law Journal

Labeling and Pre-emption

FDA regulations do not expressly pre-empt state failure-to-warn claims involving prescription drugs, but they can do so by implication when those claims conflict with FDA regulation.

By Robert Weiner

8 minute read

June 13, 2012 | National Law Journal

An unprecedented discussion of the health care law

At a bench in Agora Park, a retired law professor and a retired judge hold court over the Affordable Care Act.

By Robert Weiner

4 minute read

July 09, 2012 | National Law Journal

A taxing discussion: Part II of a dialogue on health care

Retired judge Max Wright's last encounter with former law professor Justin Good on the health care law had not gone well.

By Robert Weiner

7 minute read

April 09, 2007 | National Law Journal

Immunity is real issue

The dispute over whether Karl Rove and Harriet Miers will testify publicly before Congress isn't about executive privilege � it's about immunity from testimony.

By Robert Weiner/Special to The National Law Journal

5 minute read

April 13, 2007 | New Jersey Law Journal

Immunity Is the Real Issue With White House Advisers

The dispute over whether Karl Rove and former White House Counsel Harriet Miers will testify publicly before Congress is not about executive privilege. It is about immunity from testimony.

By Robert Weiner

5 minute read