Ron Negin

Ron Negin

October 07, 2022 | Daily Report Online

The Benefits and Obstacles of Zoom and Hybrid Mediations

While in-person mediations have made a return, many Zoom mediations and hybrid mediations are still taking place due to a variety of reasons. There are both benefits and obstacles that are created by conducting a Zoom mediation.

By Ron Negin

5 minute read

October 08, 2021 | Daily Report Online

Preparing for Mediation Is an Essential Component to Reaching a Resolution

Attorney preparation is a critical component to having a meaningful discussion regarding resolution.

By Ron Negin

5 minute read

September 30, 2020 | Daily Report Online

Why the Opening Joint Session at Mediation Is Important

The most successful opening sessions are one where both parties leave the opening session at least understanding the other side's position while not necessarily agreeing with it.

By Ron Negin

5 minute read