July 17, 2013 | Inside Counsel
Regulatory: Environmental disasters and criminal investigationsDespite volumes of government regulations related to workplace safety, and enormous resources devoted by businesses to safety, we still experience major industrial disasters.
By Ronald A. Sarachan
7 minute read
July 03, 2013 | Inside Counsel
Regulatory: Avoiding willful blindness allegationsDuring the Watergate hearings, Senator Howard H. Baker Jr. famously asked, "What did the President know, and when did he know it?"
By Tracy E. Schloss, Ronald A. Sarachan
8 minute read
June 19, 2013 | Inside Counsel
Regulatory: Antitrust Division modifies “carve out” policy for corporate plea agreementsThe Antitrust Divisions carve out policy, has finally been modified to bring it in line with the policies of the rest of the Justice Department.
By Ronald A. Sarachan, Nicholas S. Feltham
8 minute read
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