May 14, 2021 | Legaltech News
Should Your Clients' Involvement With Cryptocurrency Scare You?It's not a matter of whether you think it's all a bizarre techno-bubble, the eventual replacement for fiat currency, or somewhere in between. Your clients, and future clients, are more likely than ever to have a connection to this market, and a brief review of the headlines can make this prospect seem terrifying.
By Ross Benson and Robert N. Driscoll, McGlinchey Stafford
11 minute read
May 06, 2021 |
Should You Be Scared of Your Clients' Involvement With Cryptocurrency?Regardless of what you think of cryptocurrency, the fact of the matter is your clients, and future clients, are more likely than ever to have a connection to this expanding market, and a brief review of the headlines can make this prospect seem terrifying.
By Ross Benson and Robert N. Driscoll
11 minute read
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