Roy D Curnow

Roy D Curnow

July 04, 2024 | New Jersey Law Journal

The Declaration of Independence: An Honorable Place to Stand

"As a society, are we too busy chasing after a prize where the goal line keeps shifting?" writes Roy D. Curnow.

By Roy D. Curnow

13 minute read

July 04, 2023 | New Jersey Law Journal

'Winning Isn't Everything': July Fourth and Changing American Values

Based upon recent data, attorney well-being is at an all-time low. The survey suggests that we are overwhelmed, overstressed and afflicted with what many describe as "busyness." Our response to "how's it going?" is often a sarcastic "living the dream!"

By Roy D. Curnow

12 minute read

July 01, 2022 | New Jersey Law Journal

Let's Re-adopt the Declaration of Independence

OP-ED: How does a practicing attorney make good use of the freedom John Adams and his generation fought so hard to preserve? What does America need and want from our citizen-lawyers?

By Roy D. Curnow

9 minute read