August 13, 2024 | The Legal Intelligencer
Loss of Quiet Enjoyment as an Oft-Overlooked Remedy in Construction Defect CasesThe loss of quiet enjoyment of the occupancy of one's defective home is an oft-overlooked remedy that can apply even where a homeowner remains living in the home during the repair and remediation. This category of damages complements other buckets of recovery and quantifies an essential element of loss.
By Jennifer M. Horn and Ryan Lockman
8 minute read
July 25, 2016 | The Legal Intelligencer
Preparing and Arguing in the U.S. Supreme CourtIn 2006, Jeffrey Heffernan—a detective in the Paterson (NJ) police department—was seen holding a mayoral campaign lawn sign while off duty and was immediately demoted on the government's mistaken belief that Heffernan was supporting the challenger against the incumbent mayor.
By Mark Frost and Ryan Lockman
16 minute read