June 25, 2019 | Legaltech News
When Key Employees Quit: 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Control of Critical DataOrganizations today rely heavily upon technology and electronically stored information—and when employees leave, there's always a risk that they'll take some information or data with them when they go, either inadvertently or on purpose.
By Michael Ciaramitaro and Sarah Brown, Inventus
8 minute read
March 01, 2018 | Legal Week
Artificial intelligence and eDiscovery: beyond predictive codingA look at the current trend toward more intelligent AI technology in the legal industry
By Sarah Brown
4 minute read
March 01, 2018 | International Edition
Artificial intelligence and eDiscovery: beyond predictive codingA look at the current trend toward more intelligent AI technology in the legal industry
By Sarah Brown
4 minute read
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