Scott Mcfetters

Scott Mcfetters

September 20, 2021 |

How to Cut IT Costs and Streamline Operations With Leasing

While analysts predict firms will still see savings from expense cuts in 2021, these savings won't be as dramatic as in 2020 and, moreover, recommend that firms should use profit gains to invest in long-term strategies for growth — like technology.

By Scott McFetters

7 minute read

May 12, 2017 | Legaltech News

Financing and Leasing Technology Is a Strategic Advantage

Advances in technology and software are being made at an increasingly rapid pace. As a result, IT hardware obsolescence cycles are shrinking too. This period of exponential improvement with which we are all now familiar has shown time and again that there will continue to be breakthroughs in technology that deliver better, less expensive, and/or more robust products. How are you equipping your firm to succeed both in the present day and into the future?

By Scott McFetters

14 minute read