Sean Royall

Sean Royall

April 27, 2022 | Corporate Counsel

Antitrust and Consumer Protection at Last Converge   

Given that they have long been combined in a single dual-mission agency, one might expect these two competencies—antitrust and consumer protection—to be closely interrelated. But traditionally they have not been, and lawyers specializing in the two areas have largely occupied separate and distinct provinces.

By Sean Royall

5 minute read

September 01, 2004 | The American Lawyer

The Art of Destruction

Rambus's "Shred Day" was a huge success, eliminating 2 million pages of documents and countless e-mails. But, as the company is discovering, sometimes it's better to keep rather than delete.

By M. Sean Royall

12 minute read

September 23, 2004 |

The Art of Destruction

One day in 1998, Rambus Inc. executives turned employees loose in an orgy of paper file and e-mail destruction they called "Shred Day." Today, Rambus is living with the consequences of those actions. The company could pay dearly. Its haphazard file destruction could be a deciding factor in a multibillion-dollar litigation battle.

By M. Sean Royall

12 minute read

September 13, 2004 | Corporate Counsel

The Art of Destruction

By M. Sean Royall

12 minute read

September 01, 2004 | The American Lawyer

Amlaw Tech: The Art of Destruction

In September 1998 Rambus Inc. began to implement its new "document retention" program. The program was inaugurated on a day that was proclaimed "Shred Day" by Rambus's senior executives. Employees were given burlap bags and were encouraged to clear their offices of all unneeded documents. Large industrial shredders were parked in the parking lot at Rambus's company headquarters. A "celebration" was held at the conclusion of the day for all employees.

By M. Sean Royall

12 minute read

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