January 22, 2025 | Legaltech News
Courts Demonstrate Growing Willingness to Sanction Courtroom Misuse of AIAs litigants increasingly adopt generative artificial (gen AI) tools, courts have responded by issuing standing orders, local rules, and opinions addressing how AI and gen AI may be used in the courtroom. Notably, two recent opinions demonstrate courts’ growing willingness to use existing rules to impose sanctions on parties who misuse gen AI—even when those rules do not mention AI.
By Amy Jane Longo and Shannon Capone Kirk and Isaac Sommers and Jake Barr
4 minute read
August 31, 2021 | Legaltech News
Analytics and Predictive Coding Technology for Corporate Attorneys: Six Use CasesThis second part of a series examines six specific ways that corporate legal teams can put analytics and predictive coding technology to work in the e-discovery and compliance space to improve cost, outcome, and efficiencies.
By Jennifer Swanton, Medtronic; Shannon Capone Kirk, Ropes & Gray; and John Del Piero, Lighthouse
8 minute read
August 05, 2021 | Legaltech News
Analytics and Predictive Coding Technology for Corporate Attorneys: Demystifying the JargonAt times, tech folks can forget that the majority of their clients don't live in the world of developing and evaluating new technology. Here are some common terminology and definitions, so that in-house attorneys are prepared to have better, more practical real-world discussions with technology providers.
By Jennifer Swanton, Medtronic; Shannon Capone Kirk, Ropes & Gray; and John Del Piero, Lighthouse
10 minute read
February 24, 2021 | New York Law Journal
What's Up With WhatsApp? The Retention of Work-Related MessagesA review of regulatory guidance concerning the retention of communications sent by text such as SMS and messaging apps like WhatsApp and GroupMe. The article also looks at recent enforcement activity involving these types of communications and concludes with some practical steps broker-dealers may consider to enhance compliance.
By Lisa H. Bebchick, Shannon Capone Kirk, and Anne Conroy
8 minute read
January 24, 2017 | Legaltech News
From Use Policies to Pro Bono, the 4 E-Discovery Changes to Look for in 2017While some changes are fleeting, others could dramatically alter the e-discovery landscape moving forward.
By Shannon Capone Kirk and Emily A. Cobb, Ropes & Gray
11 minute read
December 15, 2008 | National Law Journal
Global practice shows patchwork of privacy rulesOne of the most challenging aspects of electronic discovery arises when U.S. litigation crosses borders into European Union countries with strong privacy laws. Ten years ago, these challenges seemed nonexistent; today, litigators face increasing roadblocks to e-discovery based on foreign privacy laws. Are these roadblocks real or imaginary?
By Shannon Capone Kirk, Emily Cobb and Michael Robotti / Special To The National Law Journal
10 minute read
December 22, 2008 | Legaltech News
When U.S. E-Discovery Meets EU RoadblocksWhen U.S. litigation crosses borders into EU countries, discovery is restricted by privacy and data transfer laws. Ten years ago these challenges seemed nonexistent, but today litigators face roadblocks to based on foreign privacy laws. Are these roadblocks real or imaginary?
By Shannon Capone Kirk, Emily Cobb and Michael Robotti
10 minute read
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